Why Practice Partner Wellness

Reconnect with the power of personal relationships in a world dominated by digital and virtual landscapes. Kama Flight brings us closer and creates a more vital world.

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Where to Experience Kama Flight

Join our monthly in-person classes in Florida and New York, or attend pop-up classes in San Francisco, Austin and Ibiza. Plus, enjoy quarterly retreats, teacher training, and local events.

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How To Learn Kama Flight

Get our self-guided path to learning, called Kama At Home ~ with over 77+ videos, printables, and teacher Q&A.

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15 Minutes a Week

Practice Partner Wellness

Looking to strengthen your relationship, release tension, show commitment, experience joyful play, and deeply connect? With Kama Flight, you’re not alone in your goals. Kama Flight is a new partner wellness practice that fosters connection and growth with your partner, friends, and lovers.

Practice Kama Flight just 15 minutes a week to achieve deeper connection and enhanced communication with yourself and those you fly with.

Practice At Home

How To Experience Kama Flight

There are four ways to begin your practice: in-person classes, events, and retreats, or you may apply to a Teacher Training to become a certified Kama Flight Teacher. You can also begin your experience today, with Kama At Home ~ our collection of self-guided digital classes.

Self-Guided Digital Classes

Kama At Home

Kama At Home is a self-guided path to learning this transformative practice. With your digital class membership, you get a collection of over 77 class videos, teacher access, printables, and more. Commit to transforming your relationship, step-by-step.

Start At Home

Reshape Your Relationship Muscles

Our relationships, just like our bodies, require to be stretched, supported, and nurtured.


How The Kama Flight Experience Benefits Everybody

Deepens (re)connection to self and others

Builds physical strength, flexibility and mobility

Cultivates relational and communication skills

Boosts confidence, trust and resilience

Inspires playful creativity and fun

Great relationships take work, Kama Flight turns that into a practice

Building on the neuroscience of play, connection, and relational intelligence, Kama Flight is an innovative fusion of partner dance, yoga, and Thai massage - practiced on a massage table - to accelerate the development of relational flow.

Kama Curious?

A playful, connective and freeing practice…


“We know each other very well. We are mirror images, but Kama Flight really showed that, in the sense that we were doing the flow and laughing like little children.”


"An enlightening experience that any relationship would benefit from. Learning to trust, engage, release yourself and to listen to your body and your partner’s presence."


“What a joy to be able to share this practice with someone you love. I found the dance of learning Kama Flight to be equally challenging and playful…leaving me thinking through all the possibilities of different maneuvers. So fun.”


“I learned so much about myself during this retreat. I felt intimately connected to myself and each person I danced with while feeling very safe, held and guided along the process.”


"First, Kamaflight taught me to trust (which I really have trust issues ), second I engaged with my body and listened what my body needs, I connected deeply with my body and danced feeling safe.  Even I met my partner there, no idea who he was, but I felt so much safe while I was flying, dancing, I knew he was going to hold me. After the class, that night I slept like I an angel , so much relaxed and with joy and happiness."

Be seen. Be heard. Be present.

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